Reserve your dinner spot for the Annual Music Department Awards Night on May 18 

Join us and celebrate the BHS 2016-2017 year in music on Thursday, May 18, when we recognize student achievements at our annual Music and Performing Arts Awards Night.

This year’s pasta dinner will be held at BHS starting at 6 pm, and includes pasta, meatballs, salad, drinks and dessert. BMPAA will cover the cost of meals for all BHS music and performing arts students. Families are encouraged to join us for the meal and/or awards (award ceremony begins at 7 pm. Please return the form below if you would like to join us for dinner. There will be a reservation check-in when you arrive at the cafeteria, and you’ll receive your meal ticket at that time.


DINNER RESERVATION (checks payable to BMPAA)

BHS Music/Performing Arts Student(s):_____________________________________

____will attend (at no charge)       ___will not attend

Family and Friends:

Cost is $10 per person ($30 maximum per family)

Names of family members attending: _________________________________



Amount enclosed: $_________                c cash                       check (#________)